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Yucky Feet
9/21 15:09:09

Ok Well I am only 20 years old my feet like kinds nice on top but the bottoms of my feet are horrible my sister and I when we were younger would always run outside bare foot run on our rocks in our drive way and after a while it didn't really bother us to do that anyway I now have very thick calluses and cracked skin all over the bottoms of my feet its like sand paper very unattractive to say the least...... I use one of them sand thingys to sand it off but it just keeps coming back and its cracking more and more is sick...... anyway help me please!!!! And are there certain products I should buy for daily care on my feet not just the bottoms but the tops I'd like my feet to look as nice as possible!!

Hello KK

When you feet look like that, it is because there is too much moisture in your shoes. Look for socks made of polypropylene on the internet. They wick water away from your feet. Next, go to a store like Walmart and buy a Dremel wood shaper. It is a small hand-held machne that has a rechargable batter. On the end you attach small tube-shape tubes of sandpaper. Go for the fine paper. When your feet are dry, grind down the callouses with this machine. Repeat every time as needed. This machine will give you perfect feet.

Thanks for the question. Hope this helps.

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