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Swollen Ankles
9/21 15:08:44

My right ankle keeps swelling up during my day job, this just started happening a few months ago. There is no pain involved, just a big puffy ball below my ankle bone, not to mention both my feet are slightly swollen and I'm unable to wear 1/2 of my shoe collection. This all started when I started working at a desk again. I had my boss purchase me an ergonomically correct chair in hopes that the other chair was just cutting off my circulation, but that has not helped either. Am I just getting old?


I'm not sure if you are getting old!
Generally, if ankle swelling if present in both ankles, this indicates something is going on in the body causing you to retain fluid.
Some causes of ankle swelling include poorly functioning veins and high blood pressure.
Also, when hanging the legs down gravity will pull fluid into the foot and ankle.
My advice would be to see your primary care physician for a general physical exam.
Hope all goes well.  Try and elevate your feet whenever possible.


Marc Katz, DPM
Advanced Podiatry
Tampa, Florida

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