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Pain in the top of my foot
9/21 15:08:09

A few weeks ago i experienced a traumatic incident that left me in hospital for a period of time. When i first went into hospital i had hypothermia in my legs, and it took four days instill i was able to walk and get feeling in my legs, but even then i had a pins and needles feeling in my feet. My left leg and foot were worse and i was told that i had crushed the nerves in my left which resulted in me not having full movement of the left ankle. But after i left hospital i started to get great pains under neither my right toes, the pain was extreme but eventually went, but now after that pain has gone my left foot which is getting its full movement more and more each week, has started to get extreme sharp pains in the top of my foot and also the arch of my foot. The pains comes and goes but is extremely intense at night time and is bringing me to tears, so can you please try to explain why i am getting these pains and what can i do to ease the pain epically at night?  

Hi Daniel,

With hypothermia or a crush injury, you will have nerve damage that often will affect the feet.  Usually, the pain will resolve with time.  However, some people end up with permanent nerve pain.  I would recommend seeing a Neurologist for a nerve test known as a nerve conduction study.  The Neurologist may also put you on a medication for the nerve pain.

I would also see a Podiatrist for possible treatment with arch supports.

Try these suggestions and if you have further questions, you may write gain.

Good Luck.  With time you should improve.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry

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