QuestionI'm 39 years old and both my feet are in terrible pain. I've been to a specialist in the foot/ankle field and they've taking x-rays and show just a little arthritis. I'm in so much pain I can hardly walk at times. If I take my 800 mg. of Ibuprofen I feel much better but I don't want to rely on medicine on a daily basis. The docs tell me it's my metarsol joints in my feet that are causing me this pain. How could this be, especially in both of my feet? Sometimes even a simple touch of my feet shoots me with such pain!!! My big toes are especially painful too. Any pressure on them is incredibly painful. I really need some help here. The pain that I experience is really affecting my every day life. This all started last year (2006) but in the summer the pain went away but came back about 3 months ago. Last year I did get orthotics to help and it did but right now nothing seems to be working. Any advice you can offer would be kind. Thank you
AnswerHi Lisa,
When do you get the foot pain? With walking, standing, at night? Does it wake you up?
Do you have any medical problems? Take any medications? Smoke or drink alcohol. Any diabetes, arthritis or autoimmune diseases in the family? Any major back problems.
Do you have pain and swelling in any other joints of the body? Have you lost upward movement in the big toe joints. Any foot swelling?
Have you seen a Neurologist or a Rheumatologist?
There are many possibilities. Let's start with these questions and then I will give you some ideas.
Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry