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Pain on top of foot to big toe
9/21 15:07:57

As part of my daily workout, I run on a treadmill.  I always do the warm up and cool down each day.  I have recently started to have pain on the top of my foot from the instep area down into the big toe.  It only haurts when I stretch my foot out or if I stoop down, otherwise it is fine.  It does not feel tender when I apply pressure over the area, either.  What do you think it could be?  If it is the start of something, I want to correct it now as it is already really painful.  

Hi Jon,

Sounds like you are straining the tendons on the top of your foot.  This is a fairly common complaint when running on treadmills.

Two ideas.  Try lacing your shoe with less tension and ice the area after working out.  In most cases there is a structural problem with your foot and arch and you would benefit from a custom pair of arch supports.

In some cases getting new shoes would be helpful.

Here is a link to fitting shoes:

I would see a Podiatrist if the problem continues.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry

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