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Hurt the top of my foot.
9/21 15:07:54

Two weeks ago I was running down my a hill at a pretty high speed. I suddenly decided to slow myself down my slamming my foot down on a log. I ended up landing on my foot and by looking at a diagram, along the Metatarsal-phalangeal joints, with more weight on the inside of my foot. When my foot hit the log, it angled up really far towards my leg and I heard/felt something weird and there was a sharp pain. It killed for the first few or more hours and I iced it. There was minor swelling. I also compressed and elevated it. I got an Xray and it said no bones were broken. I shift my weight to the outside of my foot when I walk to relieve pressure... although I try not to because it seems like it could cause more problems. I rested it for a full week and then went for an easy jog and found that not too difficult. But it still hurts to put weight on that part of my foot along the bottom of the big toe where a boney thing bulges out. It also hurts to spring off my toes and a bit on the inside side of my foot. Even when I am not moving it hurts, on that part of the bottom of my foot as well as on the top of my foot along the Metatarsals. Sometimes it feels like there is a muscle spasm, but it also hurts when I squeeze above the Metatarsals. At the top of my foot I sometimes feel a burning sensation. I saw a doctor and he told me to keep doing what I was doing (when I was RICEing) and it would heal quickly because I am young (16). I stopped icing after the first 48 or so hours and started heating a little. After I run around a little, my foot sometimes loosens up and feels much better, but it hurts a lot at first. After I rested from sports for a week, I started practicing a playing in games but I had to take it very easy and I hope I am not making anything worse. I want to continue playing my sports, but I am getting two sides---one inferring that I wait it out and rest and the other inferring that I tough it out...what should I do? Sorry for the length... Thank you very much for your time.

Hi Christina,

Here's what I would do.  I would have the x-rays repeated and possibly be seen by another Dr.  You may have dislocated the big toe causing a bump to form on the bottom.  You may have also ruptured the tendon to the large toe and that could also cause pain and a knot on the bottom of the toe.  An MRI would be the best option to diagnose the problem.  You also may have a fracture that was missed.  The burning is due to injury of the nerve and that should resolve in time.

After you get more testing, I would start physical therapy to help you get back to your activities.  However, if you do have a more serious injury you may need to be immobilized for a while before starting physical therapy.

Don't let this linger too long because these problems become harder to treat as time passes.

Good Luck.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry  

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