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inflamed tendon
9/21 15:05:30

Hi Dr. Tsatsos,
Thank you for your time and service. I went to the doctor yesterday but he seemed so disinterested I'd like another opinion. About two weeks I felt a sharp pain when wearing sandals that went between my big toe and second toe. I'd worn those several times before without any problem. The pain stopped me in my tracks but it was off and on, and went away when I changed shoes. I haven't been experiencing sharp pain since then, mostly tingling sensations up my leg and especially in (what I think is called) the poseterior tibial tendon. A few days ago I noticed the tingling had gone higher up my leg and that my lower back was also becoming stiff. Again, pain is moderate, mostly discomfort. I saw my doctor yesterday. He told me to: take anti-inflammortories, put ice on it, and do stretches (with my back on the floor). I've been doing everything, it seems more painful than before though. Is that typical? Also what kind of shoes should I wear? Lastly, I bike ride about 3 days a week, is that ok or should I take a break until I feel better? Thank you again.

The sandal stretched your leg and inflamed your peroneal nerve
Wear shoes with a medium heel--this will decrease the overstreching
Stop cycling. The icing will not help unless you ice the root which may be on outside of your knee or the root out of your lower back-or the exact area of overstretch.Stretching may not be good-especially if it produces more pain or numbness
Physical therapy and orthotics would also help.
If it is getting worse you should seek a second opinion-from a podiatrist who is also certified in orthopedics or does sports medicine
Hope this helps
Good Luck
Dr George Tsatsos

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