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Impact injury wont heal, xray negative
9/21 15:04:54

In the first week of July, I was in a soccer match. By accident of course, with the top of my right foot I kicked the bottom of another player's cleat with a lot of force. I kept playing. Thought it would just be a bruise. After the game, it hurt to walk a bit. It never bruised, however, but there was swelling consistent swelling and sensitivity in the area of what I think is called the medial cuneiform (that bumpy bone between my big toe and the top of my ankle). I could walk, after a few weeks sometimes even jog, but it still really hurt to kick the ball in that spot, and it hurt to flex my toes upward. After a month of R.I.C.E. and not playing, I went the Dr. for an X-ray because it didn't improve. She read the X-ray, said it wasn't broken, probably just badly sprained and thought it should be better in a about a week. She prescribed a week of Naproxen. That was a month ago. I can now play a little, but only at about 75%, and afterward it's sore, and that area of the foot swells. Any idea what's going on, and how to fix it? Two months seems like a long time for an injury. Thanks very much for your advice, Imrich

You may still have a small chip fracture-possibly not seen in your original x-ray.This will heal also.You walk on your foot daily and so it never gets full rest. Three months is not unusual for pain to persist and so you are only at two months.Do PRICE
Protect-with a wrap
Rest-let it rest-play less
Ice-after each game
Compress- I would wrap the area-especially when playing and ice down after a game.
Elevate-if it throbs after a game-elevate and ice

Sometimes an insert or orthotic/orthoses in the shoe can support the injured area to decrease excessive movement. As long as it continues to improve I would be patient. If it stops improving, go back for a repeat x-ray or second opinion.

Good Luck Again
Dr George Tsatsos-Chicago & Elmhurst Podiatrist
Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgery & Orthopedics

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