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Foot pain/numbness following L5 surgery
9/21 15:03:15

Hello Dr. Schneider- My primary area of concern is in my left foot, where numbness, discomfort, and lack of flexibility (which causes a limp- when trying to walk fast or run) are prevalent especially in the heel area. I had L5 disc surgery 1.5 years ago, and the numbness in the foot has improved,  but still not back to normal.  Since the surgery, I have continued the stretching exercises and foot flexes.  At times when relaxing, I will feel sporadic tingling in my heel, and sometimes a minor shooting foot pain, which makes me think my nerves are coming back alive! (I can only hope so!) I have had slow improvements/progress, where the numbness was nearly in the entire foot, and now it is reduced to mostly the heel area  and outside of the left foot.  I have considerable discomfort in the heel, and it is absolutely necessary that I have good comfortable thick heel cushioning  in my shoes/sandals.  Barefoot is not an option.   Do you have any suggestions on what I can do to have continued positive progress?    ..........My secondary area of concern is the "tiredness and swelling" in both of my feet/ankles.   I do not believe it is due to the summer heat or weight issues.  I also eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, low on sodium.  My feet/ankles reacted similarly when I was pregnant 20 years ago.  ...and pregnancy is not the issue these days.  I work and live in an air conditioned environment, and I take a one mile walk most evenings when the heat and humidity isn't an issue.  One mile is about all I can take- due to the tiredness in my feet.  Unfortunately sitting at a desk at work 8hours a day isn't helping the situation either--it is toward the end of the work day when the swelling is most uncomfortable.   My goal is for my feet to feel better, and stop slowing me down! (I also have bunions and psoriasis) --I don't mean to sound like such a mess!  Any suggestions?  I have enjoyed reading the posts on this website, I have the utmost respect for you and the other podiatrists that are volunteering and sharing your knowledge!  THANK YOU!

It sounds like you can be very much helped by a custom orthotic which will help to balance your lower extremity and allow it to work more efficiently.  It's even possible, because of the additional issues on the left side, that you'd benefit more form an ankle-foot orthotic, which extends the support and control of the orthotic to the level of the ankle.  

Addressing this properly should help with the tiredness and help you get through your day without having to restrict your activity.  You must find a podiatrist locally who can evaluate you properly to determine the best orthotic, or AFO, for you.
All the best,
Andrew Schneider, DPM

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