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crepitus in toddlers neck
9/26 10:57:28

My 3 yr old daughter has had a loud pop sound in the neck when she tilts her head back.. every single time for over a year now. With no pain as far as I know. Recently she was laying on her stomach and said she it hurt to lift her head up in that position. So now I am worried about her spine and future growth. Who should I talk to and would an exray see if there was a problem?

Great question. The popping sound you are describing is better known as a cavitation when you move a joint quickly it can sometimes make a sound. This is a carbon dioxide gas bubble forming in the joint and then collapsing. Carbon dioxide gas is dissolved in the fluid that surrounds most all of our joints.

The fact that your daughter has pain tipping her head back when laying on her tummy suggests head and neck misalignment.

The easiest way to check your daughter for head and neck misalignment is to stand behind her and look at the bottom of her ear lobes. Is one higher than the other? If the answer is yes. Then it is very likely that she has head and neck misalignment which you are correct to worry about this as it can impact her future growth and development as you said. In this event your daughter should be checked immediately by an Upper Cervical Chiropractor. My recommendation would be to go to or these websites will help you find an UC Doctor in your area.  

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