QuestionFor the last couple years I've noticed that there are times when I turned my head completely to the left and hold it for a bit there's a 'snapping' sensation in my neck (where a vein is maybe) followed immediately by a electrical shock sensation higher up on my head (about 2 inches above my left ear). I was diagnosed with mild degenerative disk disease and a spur in the c-4, c-5 & c-6 when I was 30 - I'm now 52. I also have what appears to be a ping pong ball size thing (cyst?) at the c-6 or lower area of my neck. It doesn't stick out so as to be noticable to anyone else but I know it's there and sometimes causes me problems with my neck. I took a compression injury to the top of my head when I was 7 and have had neck problems ever since. The DDD seems to run in my family however. I have 3 sisters and they all have problems with their necks. But the electrical shock thing is new and I want to know what it is.
AnswerAnn thank you for your question. To begin this ping pong ball sized cyst in the c6 area of your neck should be checked immediately by a medical healthcare professional.
With that said the electrical shock pain from turning your head is also a bad situation. The DDD that runs in your family is most commonly due to body imbalance due to previous injury and if this body imbalance is never corrected and as time goes by these things start to show up like DDD. This situation can be likened to driving your car with the wheels out of alignment. Your car will be fine for a while but eventually your going to start having problems. You can always get a new car but unfortunately you only get one body. It is possible that you have had a problem beginning at age 7 with the compression injury you spoke of.
With the info given I would recommend getting the cyst checked immediately, and also explain the electrical shocking pain as well as it maybe related to the cyst.
Then I would recommend scheduling an appointment to get checked by an Upper Cervical Doctor. Body imbalance most commonly develops from a previous injury to the head or neck taking the head off center (the result is body imbalance to compensate) and it often times takes years before symptoms start showing up. You can take a look at to find a Doctor close to you.