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ankle sprain
9/26 10:41:49

Last May 5th, I suffered a severe ankle sprain to my right ankle while playing basketball. I came down on a guy's foot and turned the ankle. Anyways, after that I started with aggressive ankle strengthening exercises on both ankles. Around July 4th i sprained my left ankle in the same manner....except it was much less severe due to the exercises I had been doing. My left ankle is already 100%. However, my right ankle, while at full strength, still hurts when I turn it and do NOT apply any weight. Is it possible I did some permament damage to it? Is there surgery or anything I can do to have it repaired? I had it x-rayed and there were no fractures when I injured it. I'm worried that I will never have a pain free ankle. Thanks----Carlos

Dear Carlos,

I'm sorry to hear of your injuries and the difficulties you are having.

Unfortunately, your questions are not within the realm of chiropractic.  In a general sense, it is certainly possible you have done some permanent damage or would benefit from a surgical procedure in an injury.  These matters, though, are not within my field to address with you.

I wish you the best in your search for answers.

James W. Healey, DC

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