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pinched nerve or neuropathy?
9/26 10:40:45

i suffered from a septic coma (23 days,with muscle atrophy) a few months docs are saying the pins and needles and other symptom that correlate with a pinched nerve is neuropathy and my recovery will be slow..and going to a chiropractor of course was not a good idea.  pinched nerve or neuropathy? will chiropractor help?  thanks for your time

You need to get under Upper Cervical Specific Care.  This is a more detailed method of locating, measuring, and correcting Central Nervous System Interference.  This is also a sub-specialty of Chiropractic that gets sick people well because the brainstem is directly involved and the brianstem directs all of the cells in the body, including the brain iteself.
There are only aprroximately 500 doctors worldwide that are properly trained in this specific work.  If you send me your town and state, I can try to find someone that may be able to help you or you can come out to us for a 14 day intensive program, we are located in St Louis, MO.
We have seen many cases improve under our care without the use of any drugs or surgery, simply by correcting the upper cervical subluxation and allowing the brain-body communication to be restored.

Yours in Best Health,

Dr Rob Arnone

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