QuestionI started weight training 5 months ago. I have developed a daily pins and needles sensation in my rear deltoids and lat on my left hand side and my shoulders dont hang even.
It's not pain full or intense but mildly irratating.
What is it, what can I do about it, will it hinder or get worse with training?
The fact that your shoulders do not hang even is a sign that you probably have an Axis or C2 Subluxation. Your Axis is your second bone in the neck and if it is misaligned then it can cause all sorts of structural problems in your body but more importantly functional problems in your body.
For example, your Brainstem/Spinal Cord passes through the Atlas and Axis canals so if these bones get locked into a subluxated position then they can put pressure on the Brainstem/Spinal Cord and interfere with the mental impulse between your brain and muscle tissue cell which would detrimentally effect your function.
Not only that, but the mental impulse also supplies all of the cells in your body including your heart, your lungs, your pancreas, kidneys, liver, etc. Any obstruction to the brains messages to any of these parts of your body would mean lessened function and over time disease sets in.
When you are subluxated and you exercise, that can make things worse, even though exercise is good for you. This is because the added weight and pressure only adds to the misalignment and brings it out even more.
I am not suggesting that you discontinue exercising, but I am highly suggesting that you have the Upper Cervical Subluxation Corrected properly so that you can function symmetrically and without interference in your nervous system, you will be very glad that you did.
If you would like a referral from me to a Specialist that can help you without the use of any harmful drugs or surgery whatsoever, then send me your town and state.
If you have any further questions feel free to ask.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Rob Arnone
St Louis, MO