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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Straight Chiropractic > scoliosis
9/26 10:40:23

my names Bradley i'm 11 i recently went to visit the doctors as i kept getting pains in my back.When they took a x-ray of my back they discovered my spine was bent like an s shape, what is the treatment.

Bradley.Higgs Essex

thank you

There can be a few treatments for scoliosis, but I will highly recommend that you do what is most conservative first and then gradually work your way up if you need to.  We have a very conservative method that states that the cause of  your scoliosis is due to a misalignment where your head meets your spine, and when we re-align your head properly, then your spine can begin to re-align as well.
Go right now and look in the mirror, look to see if one ear is higher than the other.  Also look to see if one shoulder is higher than the other.  these are signs that your head is not on straight, literally.  Look at your head and your neck, does everything look straight and properly aligned or could there be a problem there?

Let me know what you find and we will see if we can help you or at least find someone who can.

Happy and Healthy Holidays to You and Yours,
Dr Arnone

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