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child health
9/26 10:40:19

my 27 month old son has been waking up in the night with pains in his legs,he holds his leg up and i rub it for him and he goes back to sleep.this has also happened during the evening started 2 days ago.could this be growing pains? thank you

There is no such thing as "Growing Pains".  When the body has pain it is always a sign of some sort of trouble or warning.  From birth until death the body is not meant to have trouble or pain unless something is wrong.  The best thing that you could do for your son is to have this looked into to locate the cause of the problem and then have it corrected at once.  
Since it has only been for 2 days it is possible that he just fell on it or banged or bruised it, so I don't want to get you all worried just yet.  I suggest that you give it another few days and see if it subsides or not.
In the meanwhile we can discuss your family's health as this information could literally save a life:
There is a silent killer in all children and adults that doctors don't tell you about and you simply do not hear about on the news.  The name of this progressive disease is a Vertebral Subluxation, and this is what the entire profession of Chiropractic was built around.
The brain runs the body and any interference between the brain and the body will always lead to decreased function and symptoms and further disease.  This process begins in 8 out of 10 children at birth from the trauma of delivery.
I, being an Upper Cervical Specific Doctor or "Brainstem Specialist" am most interested in the top of the neck where the Brainstem exits the skull and enters in to the spine.  This area is known as the upper cervical spine.
The brainstem is so vital to life that we refer to it as "Houston Control" in the body, all messages must pass through the brainstem or originate in the brainstem.  My job is to check as many children and adults as possible for this brainstem interference caused by the Vertebral Subluxation Complex which can be responsible for causing any disease known to man.
As a mother, if you were insist that your entire family get checked, it would be the single greatest thing that you do for their health.  This is because if there is an interference there, no drug or surgery on the planet will correct it, and then the person will continue to get worse and could possibly die.  However, if we could check them all now, and if we happen to find something have it corrected in a very safe and sensible manner, wouldn't you rather we correct that problem now or wait for something big to happen and then hope that some doctor somewhere could help?
For Your Family's Best Health,
Dr Robert Arnone
St Louis, MO  

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