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question on pain with no apparant cause
9/26 10:40:11

I just had 3 MRI's last week. I have 2 protruding discs in my cervical area, my spinal column is congenitally narrow in that area as well, I have a lot of pain compared to the rest of my body but do not take anything for it.  Lumbar has a bulging disc (L5-S1) and protruding disc (L3?) and I also have the vertabrae that are pushing out to the side and one that pushes back, all around the bulge.
My DC is very concerned as I am 34 years old and have moderate-severe degeneration in that area as well. He has not seen someone my age with severe degeneration.  I have mild to moderate in the other lumbar area. I have no low back pain since doing chiropractic.  I have some hip discomfort in my left hip but have my entire life, I was a breech birth and they figure that might be some of it. I have not had any treatment in my life until 8 months ago and had a horrific carwreck 17 years ago, no treatment which I am thinking could be some neck issues.
Question is:  What about the moderate-severe?  I know degeneration is a thing that everyone has as we age----what will happen in the future?  Also I have huge discomfort pain in my rib area on the back.  Started on the right rib and now is along both sides. Thoracic shows nothing wrong at all.  My only explanation is that my body is crooked, when I lay to be adjusted I am usually 1 to 2 inches off (feet) and my left shoulder pulls up towards my ear. In fact I spent a month like that walking around, left shoulder high.
I go 4x per week to the DC and am currently off of all pain meds which I believe is a good thing!  I go to the gym 7-10 hrs per week doing strength and cardio.

Going to the chiro 4x per week is not necessarily a bad thing, because having your spine and nervous system checked is what can and will get you back to health.  However, if your chiro is manipulating you on each and every of those 4 visits per week in more then 1 vertebra then you are getting overadjusted.  When a person gets overadjusted, there is no question that their spine becomes more unstable and very susceptible to future injury, besides the fact that patient simply gets worse.
Try to learn that the wonderful healing benefits that chiropractic has to offer each and every child and adult is founded upon the premise of the body healing itself when there is no interference.  This is where less is better comes into play, the longer that your body can hold a specific adjustment the most efficient your healing will be and the stronger and more independent your spine and nervous system will be.
It is not the manipulation that gets you to improve, it is the holding of the adjustment, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that if I had to adjust 1 of my patients 4x in a week, they would be getting worse.
You obviously have some spinal health issues that need correction, but you may need to seek the care of a spinal specialist that may be able to help you to progress better than what you are doing now.
If you would like help in finding an Upper Cervical Specific Doctor (Sub-specialty of chiropractic), then just reply.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Robert Arnone
Upper Cervical Specific Doctor
"Brainstem Specialist"
St Louis, MO 63141

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