QuestionI know this might not be your field, but this is the closest i can get from this site.
I need to know what causes hunchback and how to correct them. I have went through a few sites and all they gave was some very general answers other than going for surgery.
Is it possible to correct hunchback through conventional exercises?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Dear Sam,
A Hunchback is a deformity of the spine, which is called in medical terms Scoliosis. There are several types, but the most common occurs during adolescence growth.
Scoliosis is essentially treated according to severity which is determined by measuring the angle of the deformity curve of the spine. Another consideration is the age of the patient since Scoliosis is generally progressive only while the patient is still growing (except very severe curves).
As a generalization, in children still growing, Scoliosis is treated with observation up to 25 degrees, bracing (external orthotic devices) up to 40-45 degrees, and finally surgery if the curve is larger, and the patient has a probable big growth potential.
Exercise can not correct scoliosis, but strengthening certain muscles will improve posture and make the deformity less noticeable. I suggest you consult an Orthopedic surgeon or a Spine specialist, to determine the exact treatment needed.
Dr. N. Rahamimov