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Harrington rods removed
9/26 10:26:23

In 1992, I had Harrington rods fused to my spine with bone grafted from my hip after breaking 2 vertebrae in a car accident.  Everyone I read about had the surgery to correct scoliosis, and they typically dont use Harringtons for spine fractures.  Can I have my rods removed, have they served their purpose?  I was told my spine is healed.  I have been having aches and pains, possibly caused by the rods or hooks.  Or it might be muscular or a nerve.  My MRI results showed interferance from the rods and I feel that I cannot get an accurate diagnose of my pains with the rods blackening my results.  Please advise!

Your research is correct.  Harrington rods are typically used for scoliosis but they are also used in spinal fractures/fusions.  I know that they can be removed so you need to check with your doctors to see if that is a possibility for you.  They have all the records and films so they are in the best position to say whether your rods can come out or not.

Thanks for the question, Lisa.  I hope that my answer has given you some direction.

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