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Back injury and constipation
9/26 10:26:10

I was in a car accident 9 mths ago. After 6 weeks I basicially stopped having bowel movements- no really! I would go about 1/2 cup every 7 days.  I have been to 3 GI doctors, and I have no disfunction of the colon.  However, I have a very hard time holding my bladder, having sex because I'm numb down there, I have no feeling or desire to have a bowel movement.  I eat normal!!  I started seeing a chiropractor who put me on 60 pounds of traction located under my breasts in efforts to reach my T-Spine.  Only after I've had traction my bowels will move.    The doctors say (not including the chiropractor) that my condition is highly unlikely related to the back injury.  My test results are as follows:

MRI Thoracic Spine: small central disc herniation at T9-T10 with moderate buckling of the posterior longitudinal ligament and partial effacement of the anterior subarachnoid space at this lever notes.  There is no sugnificant stenosis at this level.
MRI Lumbar Spine:  L2-L3 there is mild indentation on the thecal sac by the bulging disc noted.
L3-L4 there is a small annular tear along the posterior aspect of disc with focal increased signal in this region.   There is no stenosis at this level.
L4-L5 there is mild to moderate annular bulge which in combination with short pedicles an dmoderate ligamentum flavum hypertrophy results in mild spinal stenosis at this level.
L5-S1 there is mild to moderate annular bulge with mild indentation of the thecal sac at this level.

Any suggestions??  

From your description of the problem, I would agree with the chiropractor.  Mainstream medicine doesn't look at the spine as a cause for problems in other areas unless it's pain-related or numbness.  As surgeons and drug prescribers, what they look for is something to cut out, medicate, or inject.  

Natural health practitioners such as chiropractors understand that the spine is related to all bodily functions and can cause problems in a variety of areas.  The bowel, bladder, and sexual organs are all supplied with nerves originating in the lower back.  Your symptoms certainly point to some form of lower back involvement.  

The MRI results demonstrate some mild to moderate disc problems but nothing extensive enough to warrant surgery.  That's why the other doctors don't think it's related to your condition.  Your chiropractor, on the other hand, is moving things in the right direction with the traction.  After all, you're having bowel movements after the treatments.  I would recommend continuing the treatments to see if it assists the bladder and sexual function issues as well.

In addition, I recommend drinking more water each day because it will help your bowel function.  Part of the bladder control problem can be accumulated stool in the bowels which can push against the bladder.  Eating high fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, and 100% whole grain products can also be helpful in moving the contents through the bowel more consistently.  Reducing your intake of constipating foods like cheese might also be worth trying.

I believe that you're on the right track with your chiropractor.  Try adding these other items and see if they are beneficial as well.

Thank you for your question, Jody.  I hope that my answer was helpful.

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