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Free Disc Fragments
9/26 10:25:53

I recently had L5-S1 fusion -- after failed micro disc and diskectomy surgeries in late 2006, early 2007.  It turns out the disc was completely dehydrated and fragmented (either congenital or from a bad car accident when I was younger).  My doc said he got 99% of the disc fragments compressing the root nerve but couldn't get them all because small fragments were too close to the root nerve and feared a GAF leak.  He said any lingering leg pain would likely be due to these free fragments but that over time my body would absorb the fragments and the pain would dissipate.  Is this true?  Will or can my body break down and absorb any fragments remaining?

He also considered giving me steriods to shrink the fragments but chose not to do so since the fusion had not yet taken.  Although still early, the pain has definitely diminished and with low doses of pain meds, I have no trouble functioning and feel significantly better.  

Although I am not a physician, I agree with your doctor's explanation that the body will eventually break down the fragments and absorb them.  The body has an amazing ability to heal itself and it will view the fragments as foreign bodies to be defended against by your immune system.

Thank you for your question, David.  I hope that my answer was helpful

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