Questioncan a c-1 spinal cord laceration have the same effects as a fracture?
thank you for your time
AnswerHi Denise,
Thanks so much for your question.
Not necessarily. Some people have suffered fractures at the C1 level without losing any sensory or motor function because there was no damage to the cord and the surrounding nerves.
On the other hand, a laceration or any damage to the cord and/or tne nerves will result in a loss of sensation and motor skills. The amount of loss will depend on the severity of the injury.
I've known people to have lost the use of their muscles but retain almost all feeling while others have very little or no feeling but have some muscle use. Although, these are somewhat rare cases.
It's also going to depend on the level of the injury to determine how much sensation and motor skills are affected.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me anytime.
Thanks again,
John McKinzie