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spinal injury/leg spasms/general leg pain
9/26 9:48:52

I suffered an incomplete C7 lesion after an RTA in 1985.  Over recent months I have been experiencing more frequent leg spasms - the sensation of which I would equate to hiccups.  Very persistent, annoying and uncomfortable.  Additionally, the legs have what I can only describe as a constant burning,cramping feeling.  This combination is both painful and debilitating.  I am finding it virtually impossible to sleep.

The only prescribed medication that I receive is baclufen.  I am aware of a drug called Sativex but this is not licensed in the UK.  The benefits of marijuana have been brought to my attention although I have not tried this yet.

Do you know if the conditions I describe are a consequence of having the disability for such a long period of time (perhaps degenerative nerve damage?)and what medications, if any, that may be useful to alleviate the pain?

Since each spinal cord injury is unique to the individual, it's difficult to speculate on the exact cause of pains, etc.  However, it sounds like a typical nerve damage condition from the description that you've given.  

Having said that, I know that this type of nerve pain is often treated by pain medications, antidepressants, and/or tranquilizers.  Medications for the spasms include Valium and marijuana.  Drugs for the burning pain include Oxycontin, Morphine, Hydrocodone, Elavil, and Neurontin.  Neurontin has been found to be helpful in a good number of individuals with nerve pain.  

Your physician should be able to select the proper medication according to your medical history, other medications that you may be taking, and the severity of the condition.

Thank you for your follow-up question, Phillip.  I hope that my answer was helpful.

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