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Herniated and torn disk in L5 area...and sciatica?
9/26 9:48:43

I was injured May 9th of this year. I have been through conservative treatments (PT and ESI). I have had 2 ESIs which gave me minimal relief. I am 26 yrs old and haven't been able to return to work since the date of the injury. I recently got a 2nd opinion on my injury and the doctor wants to do a micro discectomy. He also told me that this probably would not help my back pain, only the leg pains. I am SO confused about what to do. Are there ANY treatments for an annular tears?? If they fix my leg pain with surgery it still leaves the horrible back pain from the tear. I really need some advise on what to do. I had one doctor tell me to hold off as long as possible on surgery. I have not been able to work since the injury b/c I cannot sit for more than 30-45 minutes at a time without taking Rx pain meds. If I take those I can't possibly function at my job. I feel like I will never get better or have my life back. Please help me...

Hi Tracy-

unhappily, i don't have any magic pill for the annular tear- you've tried most of the non-surgical treatments (with the exception of electroshock- ie with a TENs unit- and antidepressants which are said to help nerve pain).  I can tell you tears often occur as the discs get dehydrated with age.

So try to stop ageing... (sorry, kidding) I can think of 2 things that might help: ask the doctors, the first 2 and however many more, why they can't fix the tear when they do the microdiscectomy (i've never understood that).  Try searching for a 'back pain forum' or similar- some of the best advice I got was from a bulletin board style forum where you're atually talking with other people who HAVE the problem, not doctors who don't.

otherwise heat and cold can sometimes be used/alternated.

Not much to go on, and i apologize for it.  It seems there's no good answer.  If there is some help though I'm betting on the forum-
good luck

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