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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Spinal Cord Injury > myleopathy
9/26 9:48:39

I am 4 month post op from a 2 level fusion, C4/5, C5/6 and cord compression, C5/6. I am still having leg weakness. I also have a stable C2 lesion. Will I continue to improve or is the leg weakness most likely permanent. Thank you for any opinion or advice

Spinal surgery often results in some swelling in the operative area and this can result in decreased function for a period of time.  Recovery time varies from person to person and is somewhat age-related.  The older a person is, the longer the recovery time.

Since you've had some cord compression and a lesion, there may very well be some permanent nerve damage.  However, that doesn't mean that it is definite.  Each spinal cord problem is unique to the individual which makes it difficult to say what will happen in the person's future.

Your best bet would be to ask the neurosurgeon and/or your physician since they have access to all your films, MRIs, and your complete medical history.  They are in the best position to give you the most informed opinion on your leg weakness.

Thank you for your question, Joanne.  I hope that my answer was helpful.

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