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Spinal Swelling
9/26 9:48:15

I am a 40 year old former athlete and avid weight trainer. I'm 6'3" and weigh about 250 lbs. I have noticed a lump at the top of my spine. I thought the swelling would subside but it has not. I'm in no pain but concerned because it persists and is actually pertruding through my shirts.

Hi Stan-

Go to a doctor. Don't want to freak you out, and I doubt you're about to keel over or anything, but yeah go get it looked at..

i think that if it were part of, or very near to, the spinal cord you'd be feeling numbness or tingly extremities, etc. so it's good that you have no pain

Have you tried icing it, or taking ibuprofen or other anti inflammatory meds?

It's probably the sort of thing that a doc'll look at and say No big deal, it's a ...
But there's a lot of "lumps" in the world and some are bad news. So let someone take a look at it, yes?

good luck- I'll be out here if you have further questions

*note added after rating was given... can't bite my tongue sorry-

sorry, i'm not in this for the "ratings" but you said my knowledge was a 5 of 10 because you tell me you have a LUMP and I can't diagnose that?? If you find someone who acts like they know what it is from that description
oh nevermind. Bad day and i don't know what you expected to get from LUMP

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