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incomplete para questions
9/26 9:48:09

hi Leslie  im a para due to a avf growth near my lumber area of my spinal cord. i became paralyzed after a angiograms contrast dye entered my arteries and caused a blockage so blood couldent make it to an area of my spinal level t12 and l2 have got some leg and foot movement back in 2 years   after surgery.hope to walk getting alot of uti infections i intermitently cat with new kits everytime but every 2 to 3 months i have a new uti uroligist says not   much he can do i dont believe that are there special doctors for people with spinal cord injury.  thanks  mike

hi mike

yeah, uti's are an absolute drag, and they seem bound to catch up with you. and using a new kit every time must cost an arm and leg!

i was so sick of taking antibiotics that i learned to embrace the cranberry. i can give you recipes for cranberry cookies, bread, you can put them in strawberry jelly, take them in pills from the health food store

other than that the options are more..Medical. you can have your urethra re-routed (i met a girl with limited hand function who swore by this, ended her uti's entirely- never could get myself to do it though). there are no specific docs for SCI, but if you talk to a physiatrist (rehab doc) they can sometimes recommend a urologist that has more understanding

i hopethe surgery helps

ps- let me know if you want cranberry info. i make light of it, sort of, but it made a big difference for me. as has drinking lots. good luck

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