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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Spinal Cord Injury > bradycardia
9/26 9:47:51

Hello there. My younger brother (23 yrs old) was in a bad accident 7 months ago and fractured several cervical vertibrae.  He is walking now and has been doing very well up until just recently.  It is normal for him to be having chest pain and a very slow heart rate?  I am very concerned about him.  His doctors don't seem to be very helpful.

Thank you for your time

Dear Audrey,  I don't think that's normal. I would suggest you see a neurologist if you aren't already. If you are, I'd get a second opinion. Your brother is too young to wait on doctors that can't give you answers. I will keep good thoughts for both of you.

Take care, Ken

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