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lack of sexual desire after a back injury
9/26 9:47:48

QUESTION: My boyfriend had an accident 2 years ago 9/23. A 700 pound commercial stove feel on top of him.  He had 4 herniated disk, a broken vertebre and spinal stenosis.  He can not have an erection. I have gotten a partial one with the help of a herbal supplement.  this worked better than levetra or viagra.  I bought a penis pump for us to try, but he wont try it or he may be scared to try it , not sure.  He avoids any intimate moments with me.  He wont even pleasure me.....I'm going crazy.  It is breaking us apart.  I cant understand I he seems so disinterested in me physically.  I almost beg him to bring me to orgasm, but always have to do it myself.   Please help me

ANSWER: Dear Carol,

I'm sorry that you are having to go through this. I do know that there are now injections you can use. You give the injection directly into the penis. I don't remember the name, but I'll see if I can find it. It might take a little while, so please be patient with me.

Sincerely, Ken

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, but I guess my real questions is why doesn't he have the desire to please me even if he can't come to orgasm at this time.  Does a man lose his sexual desire after an injury like this or do you think he's scared to do anything for the fear of hurting himself.  I feel so unattractive, I feel like I dont turn him on.

Hi Carol,

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Did he lose his sensation in his penis? I know from my own experience that when that happens you go through a period where you become disinterested. And he might be feeling like he has nothing to offer you, like he is no longer a man. Maybe he needs to see a counselor to help him through this? I'm sure it isn't because he no longer finds you attractive. Can you express to him how your feeling? If not then counseling is my suggestion.

I hope this helps, sincerely, Ken

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