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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Spinal Cord Injury > MRIs
9/26 9:47:48

QUESTION: I found out by my doctor yesterday, that I have some wear and tear in my lower back, a separated disc, as well as minor scoliosis resulting in a minor curvature in my lumbar region. I am in an extreme amount of pain that has made day to day living almost unbearable.

I have worked my core muscles and back muscles as the doctor suggested, but all this has changed is the types of pain I am experiencing.

My question is, would this be problem enough that I should be having an MRI done? Because the doctor didn't mention it and this concerns me.

I have been researching the matter online every since finding out about this. And I have seen a lot about the importance of having an MRI of my back, to at least rule out a possible herniated disc. Or is there any difference between a separated disc and a herniated disc?

Should I be pushing for a MRI of my back? Or would a chiropractor be beneficial?

Thanks so much for your time.
Hope to hear back from you soon!

Amanda Wood

ANSWER: Dear Amanda, From what I've read,  a disc is made of any outer layer called the annulus fibrosus - within that annular fibrosis is the nucleus pulposus. When you have a slipped disc the nucleus pulposus may bulge out to one side, but is still contained. Where as a seperated disc the nucleus pulposus pushs out of the annular fiberosis; which can cause a more severe pain. I think you might ask for a second opinion.

I copied the following link; which I thought gave a simple yet effective example to your question. Please give it a look. Sincerely, Ken

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


So, you are saying that the diagnoses from my doctor sounds a little off and I should see another doctor for another opinion.
This is quite difficult for me to do.
It took me over two years to get this diagnoses.


Hi Amanda,  I'm sorry I didn't know about it taking you two years. I guess what I meant to say is if your current doctor won't allow you to have an MRI, maybe you need to see someone else. I hope you can have one and your able to get better.
Sincerely, Ken

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