QuestionI have a herniated disk in my neck. Every morning my left arm is in pain. I apparently can't find the right sleeping position. Can something take care of this morning pain?
I believe medication could help you called Vioxx (sp). Ask your doctor about it. Maybe it can be taken at bedtime and would carry over into the morning or you could take it first thing. The other things I highly recommend is a massage...not just a light soothing massage but someone who puts a little muscle into it...deep tissue. You will be amazed at how it can help. Another big big help is acupuncture. I was afraid of it myself but the relief I got was wonderful. I go everyweek to control back pain and other pain I may have. It really is painless.
You may want to change pillows to one of those neck pillows that are shaped for neck problems. Heat will sooth pain at times so try a heating pad. One of those new things that you can put in the microwave to make it hot is another option. Chiropractic is another avenue you might try. I have used them all and all of them I got some relief from at different times. It all depends. Don't give up on helping yourself feel better....try something new. Hope this helps. Happy Holidays.