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sore muscles
9/26 9:30:54

Do you know of any supplements or therapies to deal with constantly sore muscles?
I do yoga and eat right,take vitamins.I play soccer which leaves mr sore,especially my feet,for a week.I dont want to give it up.
My doctor has run tests,and he says thats just the way some people are.Help!


Ack! I am so sorry! I forgot to put up my vacation notice! I just got back a few hours ago; I'm so forgetful^^*

For all that time you waited, I wish I had something miraculous to tell you, some magic pill (the same one all chronic pain sufferers search for) to reccomend. But the truth is, it isn't out there, not the catch-all. There is, however, good news. There are all kinds of therapies out there that help; by no means should you give up your soccor. If you've been to the doctor and he's done tests to rule out injuries, there's no reason to quit. It may take sheer will-power to continue, but if you love it enough, you'll find it.

All of this sounds sort of final, doesn't it? Let me try to get to the point; regardless of what your rather lackadasical doctor may have said (and it's true; some of us do have the predisposition to be more sore than others, or to develop chronic pain), you can do alot to help yourself. I've almost completely given up on the established medical world in the four years I've been ill; four years ago this month, actually, I couldn't get out of bed or stand to stay in it, the pain and fatigue were so bad. For about a year now, I've seeing an herbalist (they're also called naturalistic or homeopathic doctors) doctor who has been giving me an herbal regimen suited especially for my problems, and accupunture as well. I'm doing so much better (I was able to go on vacation^^). So that'd be what I suggest for you; find yourself a reputable herbalist and see what she or he suggests for your pain. I won't even presume to know enough about supplements to tell you good ones to take; they have to work just right with your chemistry to be of any effect. That's where the herbalist comes into play. One word of advice; don't take everything your doctor says as cardinal law. Most of them know what they're talking about when it comes to everyday maladies like colds and flu. But chronic pain is new, uncharted territory, and even doctors that specialize in the field are learning new things all the time. Just remember to keep your mind open.

I'm sorry once again that I kept you waiting so long and in the end, wasn't a terribly great help. I don't know much about yoga, but I do know that eating right and exercising aren't an automatic garauntee that you'll never have chronic pain or problems. Just do your best, stick with it, and no matter what, don't give up the things you love!



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