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Im having pain in my right...
9/26 9:30:53

I'm having pain in my right hip area, down my leg and deep in my buttock area on the same right side.  Often when I bend down to pick something up my leg seems to lock in pain and I can't straigthen up. that's scary!!!!Not able to do housework, yardwork, etc as i once did.  Pain has been off and on for years but recently came on strong and won't go away.
Saw an orthopedist and had an MRI done and xrays. At first thought i had AVN(Avasular Necrosis) but not so, MRI was clean.   Just started working with a physical therapist and slowly working to strenghten my right leg. Can't lift it well on my own.  Very frustrating!!! Wonder what's going on?  I'm 57 and have always been very active. Mother of 5 and grandmother of 6.  Love to be busy with the "kids" but i just can't do it.  they're pretty frustrated as well.
I'm happy to not have the hip surgery but i just wonder what's causing all this pain? I've been researching the internet looking for answers and i found you!

Thanks for listening

Dear Osie,

First off, you're certainly welcome for listening^^ Sometimes, I'm afraid, it's all I can do.

I think it's great that you're working with a physical therapist; it really does seem to help many people with chronic pain. I understand how frustrated you must be; to be suddenly removed from activities you were once able to perform is understandibly concerning. The orthopedist was also a very good idea; the tests they can do tend to rule out technical or surface problems rather well. It isn't unusual for chronic pain sufferers to have clean MRI's; often, what's causing our pain can't be that easily discerned. So let me see.

Pain down your right hip, leg, and buttock area. Is this only on one side? I assume you've been to your regular doctor for a complete physical. If you haven't, you should. Many things can be uncovered in bloodwork. Also, have you noticed that the pain is any worse when you're peforming a certain task? To clarify, is there anything that seems to make it flare up worse? I ask because you said it hurt on and off until just recently. Sometimes, activities can irritate an old injury.

Also, if this pain is accompanied by pin-prick sensation or numbness, I'd also suggest asking about neuropathy, which is a malfunction and sometimes death of certain nerves. It can cause pain similar to yours. Of course, it's also neccessary to mention that these are a few warning signs of stroke; the pain down the leg (it's also in the arm sometimes), difficulty moving one side of the body. I'm sure you know this, but I thought I'd toss it out there.

My first course of action that I reccomend is that a person always see his main physician first. Explain the problem, have bloodwork done, see what he/she thinks, and schedule possible referrals. If your main doctor doesn't want to take the necessary time with you, find one who will. They're out there, trust me^^

Once you have seen and discussed some options with your doctors, and in the interrim when the house needs cleaning and the grandchildren want to play, an immediate crutch needs to be found. Not a literal crutch, mind you, but something that will help your pain. Dry heat in the form of a rice bag or heating pad is beneficial for many people; it's been a life saver for me. Ibuprofen and arthritis drugs such as Celebrex and Vioxx can be taken as well, but be very careful with those last two. Celebrex is something I don't reccomend to anyone; I had to take it for several years, and as a result, have come away with some liver damage. There have been recent studies on Vioxx, but I haven't had the opportunity to look into them, so I can't say for sure. Ibuprofen, not acetominiphen (Tylenol), can help short term more safely.

Whatever you do, don't stop searching for relief until you find it. You've taken a great first step by combing the Internet. After all, you can't expect anyone to take into consideration your health if you aren't proactive yourself, right? ^_^ I know it's hard. I never had grandchildren to entertain, but I still know that frustration, and when you begin to find answers, you'll begin to feel more in control. It will get better.

I was thinking, as far as your grandchildren go, I understand that you've been very active, and they're use to that; my grandmother's that way too. How do you think it would be to try to explain (in a way that would be age appropriate) in a positive and soothing way about how your pain limits you. Let your grandkids know what's going on gently, and they might take it better, though it'll still be disappointing. Also, how about finding things you can do with the kids that don't involve you being in too much more pain? Puzzles, sitting outside on the porch and watching them play ball, reading to them. Find the activities you can do with less pain, and see if it's possible to incorporate them into your time with the kids.

Lastly, I know it's probably not what you want to hear right now, and that it also seems trite, but I feel very firmly that there is nothing more powerful to help heal pain and increase endurance than the power of prayer and positive thinking. Many times, faith and will power plays the biggest part in helping a person with chronic pain through the tough parts. I know it's all that got me through^^

I hope I have helped in some small way. I'm no doctor by any means, don't even plan to be one, but I do wish that my experiences can somehow benefit others, and that's what I'm aiming for^_^ Please, let me know if you have any further questions. I'm happy to listen, though I can't always garauntee an answer. There's only One who can give you that^_^ Good luck in your endeavours, and God bless!



"Rejoicing in hope, perservering in tribulation, continuing always in prayer." --Romans 12:12

"...All things are possible to him that believes." --Mark 9:23

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