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Pain in feet and hands
9/26 9:30:46

My wife has awful pain both in her hands and feet that she describes as feeling as though her hands and feet are being crushed. It is extremely severe at times and the veins in her hands and feet seem to swell or they are at the top of her skin. The pain in her feet is relieved when she is standing or walking.

Sitting often causes severe pain and discomfort. She suffers riding in a car even after about 10 or 15 minutes of sitting. She takes her shoes off and prop her feet on the dash of the car to get a little bit of relief. Her hand and feet are hot to the touch most of the times and she complains of being warm and has our house thermostat set at 68 degrees this past winter.

 She is 56 years old and takes celebrex.

Hello Howard and thanks for writing,

I would advise your wife has a proper assessment done by her GP and it sounds like she's having circulatory problems with some possible nerve involvement. In the mean time, I would advise your wife to avoid staying in one position too long - if she needs to sit in one place for a few hours, she should get up and walk & stretch for 10 minutes every hour if possible, similarly, if she needs to stand for prolonged periods, try to sit and elevate her legs hourly. She might also want to have her Hormone levels checked.

I hope this helps and I wish you both all the best,


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