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back pain!
9/26 9:30:28

When I wake up,my back hurts extremely bad and continues through out the day.I have a backwards curve in my back. I was told it was called being sway backed. I cant lay flat on my back to long with out it hurting. After I gave birth to my daughter,I really started to notice it and it is getting worse. What kind of exercise can I do to ease the pain and does my mattress play a big part in my back problems?

The disturbance in the geo rhythm has caused you this problem. just do 3doem meditation for 5 minutes twice a day using 3d oem chart. you can find the 3d oem chart in your local book store. more about 3d oem you can find at

Also smear PINDA THAILA a sort of Ayurvedic oil which is available in INDIA - may be in your indian stores too at night time to your back part.

Ramesh Kamath

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