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Pain in neck and left jaw
9/26 9:30:27

For about 2 months I have had pain in the left side of my neck.  About 2 weeks ago the pain has alos moved to my left jaw and recently to my chin and up to my forehead.  It seems I am getting more headaches.   Now today,  the pain is up around my left colar bone.  What could be causing this pain?   Iam 60 yrs old and I do take High blood pressure medication.  I do not smoke.  

Hi James and thanks for writing,

You really need to go be examined by a qualified physician to properly diagnose your pain. I can only guess, and I may be way off ... but it could be a nerve-related issue from your neck/back (often caused by inflammation from something like arthritis putting pressure on a nerve) or a trauma (new or old), or virus like Shingles or Bells Palsy, or clogged arteries, or a misaligned spine, etc, etc, etc...

I'm sorry I can't be more specific but you can appreciate how many causes there can be for "neck pain" and no one can really guess without doing a proper assessment and examination.

Wishing you all the best,


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