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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Pain Management > Aspirin
9/26 9:30:21

I have heard that taking one tablet of aspirin (325 mg) a day is good for you, is that true?  I like to take it for managing by back pain, but I don't want to take it every if it's bad for me! Thanks

Hi Johanna and thanks for writing,

Taking a baby Aspirin (81mg) can be used for doctor superivsed previon therpay", or Adult Aspirin (325mg) can be used for pain relief.  

You need to know that Aspirin thins the blood (which is why it's used in low doses for stroke prevetion), but thinning the blood too much can be very dangerous and could cause a fatal internal bleed from an injury.

If you want to use Aspirin, you need to consult with your doctor, otherwise I would suggest using a NSAID like Ibuprophen or Tylenol.

I hope this answers your quesion, all my best,


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