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Pain medication for chronic pain
9/26 9:30:21

Can you please tell me the difference between oxycodone and hydrocodone and what they are prescribed for.  I suffer from something called failed back syndrome,  I had spinal fusion surgery (s-1 thru l-5) in September 2000 and am in far more pain, both in intensity and frequency than I was prior to having the surgery.  I had an infusion pump implantd in attempt to get off all the pills (80 mg oxycodone 3x daily plus percocet (7.5/325 mg) up to 2x daily for what the doctor called breakthrough pain, but as it turned out I was hyper sensitive to the morphine in the pump and experienced all sorts of side effects like anxiety attacks, insomnia and loss of appetite.  My VA doctor has prescribed oxycodone (40 mg 2x daily) for my pain and it's totally insufficent in that it's not a large enough dosage and 2x daily doesn't cut it because at best the medication lasts from 6-8 hours but not nearly 12 hours.  I'm trying to figure out why he's so reluctant to prescribe the same dosage I was on before becoming affiliated with the VA.  The doctor who prescribed the medication for me not only operated a pain management clinic but was a neurosurgeon as well and was the doctor who implanted the infusion pump.  Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question.  I anxiously await your reply.

Hollis Hufford
Fairhope, AL


Drug questions are out of my area of expertise.

However, we can say that even though pain meds hide the problem, it continues.  Degeneration continues, just without the pain.  

Consider the destiny that awaits.  You want to live like that?

Please see articles on back pain at  Educate yourself on the matter.  You'll be better off.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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