QuestionI am a seventeen year old college student. I think I injured myself in dance last year. Last fall I had horrible neck and shoulder pain that extended into my hands so it was too painful too write. I quit dance and the pain eventually subsided. I tried dance in spring, the pain came back and I went to a physical therapist. The pain did eventually subside. However, now I have started college and the pain is back. I can't stop bending my head down from reading because reading is what I do. The pain is only getting worse. What can I do?
AnswerHi, Laura,
I don't think dance caused your injury; it would have had to be something forceful and sudden like a fall, blow -- or maybe a hard yank (dance?).
In any case, your neck muscles are being held tight by protective reflexes. The way out is to recapture control of those muscles through movement training.
I say more in my articles on whiplash injuries and on completing recovery from an injury, at, including how to recover.
With regard,
Lawrence Gold