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chronic neck pain after fusion
9/26 9:29:39

my primary doctor prescibed me cymbalta for mt depression from chronic pain for las year, injury 1 yr ago fusion on c-5 c-6 feb 07 now my orth prescribed mr lyrica for pain , i am not diabetic or never had shingles is this a good combination

Hi Ken

Thanks for your question.

First let me say that I am not a medical doctor, but a psychologist, so my answer is based on my own research and the experiences of my clients.

It sounds to me like you doctor is knowledgeable and keeping up with latest developments in the field. Cymbalta is a good choice of anti-depressant for people with pain.

Lyrica does not have a long track record for pain, but appears promising. It works differently than either anti-inflammatory medications or opioids. If actually affects how pain signals are transmitted along nerves. You'll hear about it being used a lot with neuropathy or fibromyalgia, but it has the potential to be a good choice for your situation as well. Lyrica is the successor to a similar medication called Neurontin. Lyrica is better in that studies have shown that it works as well but requires a lower dose.

I think these are probably good choices for you, but as you know, everybody's different and there's always some trial and error involved. Monitor your pain levels, and do what you can in terms of non-medical alternatives for pain management to supplement the medication and improve quality of life.

Best of luck to you

Barry Hughes

Objective and balanced information on the management of chronic pain.

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