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chronic back pain -many questions
9/26 9:29:32

i am in constant high level of pain my doc says i have degenerated disks and i dont really kno if that alone could cause this much pain? every time i lift anything im screwed for weeks no mobility, pain even higher. the main pain is lower back! none upper and it travels down into bum/hip are speacially on 1 side sometimes also even rarer it shoots down to my foot 1 side as well.i have had some peeing problems lately too up 3 times in night to pee and constant peeing in day thought mabye conected?i think im getting arthritis too hip and joints hurt aswell now 3-4 years after back started.back really got bad when i had a hard impact botteming out on atv felt like my spine compresed when it i have been a grunt worker my whole life lifting heavy stuff for work.i cant do anything without massive pain besides lay down, for instance washing the dishes is extreme agony.i also have chrons deasease but pain from that under control from pain meds minus mabye 1 bad epasiode per month.but thought that might be relevent to back pain? im scarred to ask for dissability cause i feel like i should be working and not sure my doc would support it but in reality i cant work!i lost my wife recently aswell cause i didnt want to make love anymore due to pain.exrays and scans and everyting jus seem to reveal degrading persribed oxycontin and perecet but its not enough and its hard to get more from my doc,he doesnt want to give me more,cpl days a week im fully active minus work that is other than that im in to much pain to do anything .id like to go on and on but scared its too long already?plz help


Thanks for your question. It's not too long, especially given all that's going on with you.

While I can't give you a lot of specific medical advice, I can make some suggestions based on my experience with other clients in your situation.

I know you hate to consider applying for disability, but I think you should give it some thought. It's really difficult when you're used to working hard and providing for yourself and family to not be able to do that, but I think you're beginning to accept that this may be where things are at right now. Continuing work over the long term is not probably going to work out.

So I think step one is accepting that you may have to consider disability. If your doctor won't support this, you may want to consider getting another opinion.

I think the excessive urination may be related to the back, I would say the Crohn's Disease probably not.

Has your doctor recommended any course of treatment other than giving you pain medications?

If you are able to walk, try to go out and walk some each day, even if it's just for 15-30 minutes. Staying active is going to be really important for you down the line.

My experience has also been that most people with severe back pain also develop problems with depression. If that's the case, consider seeing a counselor to help you with that; try to find someone who has worked with a person with chronic pain before.

If you're able, it might not hurt to get a second opinion on your medical treatment options as well.

Sorry you're going through so much right now. I know it seems overwhelming, just try to take one thing at a time and do a little something each day to get back on track.


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