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pain in back/chest when i take deep breath in
9/26 9:29:04

hi i am 25 years old and last week or so i have discovered pain high in my back/chest when i take deep breath in.this pain is on right side at around shoulder blade height but closer to my spine.i also get this pain when i turn my head left or right but seems more noticeable when i turn right.feels like it is in between back and chest rather than back or chest.i also have not been doing any sports or lifting in this time so don't know what this could b. hope u can help ty and srry 4 taking up your time

Hi Michael and thanks for writing,

I would not worry, what you describe really just sounds like a slight muscle strain to me, but the only way to be sure is to go be examined by a qualified physician if it does not go away.  You might try doing some gentle Range of Motion exercises 2-3 times a day and stretch your back and neck muscles to prevent cramping; you might also find that heat or cold may help relieve the discomfort (a bag of frozen corn or peas usually work well).  Ibuprofen might also help relieve discomfort and reduce inflammation.

Sorry I cannot provide an exact answer for your question, but no one can or should try to diagnose over the internet.

Wishing you all the best,


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