QuestionI work as a flagger in construction so I am on my feet all day.My job also consists of constant walking back and forth.I walk hard I way 160 pounds.I tend to walk on the side of my left foot and it id causing the bone along the outside of my foot to hurt bad.I thought it was my boots and the way that I walk on that foot, but I'm not so sure,the pain is very bad and about an inch of the bone appears to be swelled.It now is causing pain in my lower back along the spine.
AnswerThe disturbance in the geo rhythm might have caused you this problem. just smear Indian ayurvedic oil "PINDA THAILA" to the affected area in the night and do 3doem meditation for 5 minutes twice a a day using 3d oem chart. you can find the 3d oem chart in your local book store. more about 3d oem you can find at