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RSD Pain Relief
9/26 9:28:44

I have had RSD in my left leg since knee replacement two years ago.  I am allergic to most NSAIDs and anti-imflammatories.  I am currently taking morphine (just switched again from methadone) and it is not helping.  Every three to six months they alternate between morphine and methadone.  Is there anything else that the doctor to give me to relieve the pain?  I try not to be a winer but a lot of days it is very hard for me to get out of bed much less doing anything else.

Hi Brenda and thanks for writing,

Oxycontin is a very popular medication many physicians prescribe for their patients who suffer from acute as well as chronic moderate-to-severe pain.  It comes in a slow-release tablet in many doses, which is what you want in a strong analgesic.  It抯 a controlled substance, as it is a narcotic, so not all doctors can prescribe it, but you should discuss it as an option with your doctor.

Wishing you all the best,

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