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Burning Pain
9/26 9:28:31

QUESTION: I've been diagnosed with "pelvic floor pain".  When sitting, the top of my legs, my backside and the inside top thighs burn.  I also have burning across my lower abdomen and around my waist.  And my lower back aches. I've been to many doctors who prescribe painkillers, lyrica, neuronton, antidepressants, muscle relaxants - those drugs do nothing.  I've been treated by physical therapists and a massage therapist, internally and externally, for trigger point release, and have been doing stretching exercises twice a day.  All of this has been going on for months with a bit of relief but the burning really gets to me.  I do take Xanax, it helps lower the burning.

Can your program help me?

ANSWER: Hello, rs,

In answer, yes.

"Treatment" is categorically the wrong approach; pelvic floor pain almost always results from muscular contractions, and one can't "treat" muscular contractions; they are a behavior of the muscular system controlled by the brain.

One can't "treat"; one can "train" -- the person to get control of their muscular tension. The method is called, "clinical somatic education."

Once muscles relax, the pain goes.

I can offer specific recommendations, if you ask.

For information on the approach, see

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: You indicate "I can offer specific recommendations, if you ask".  Now I am asking for specific recommendations.  I look at all the various DVD's and I don't know which one to choose.  I would appreciate your help.

My physical therapist has me doing stretches for the piriformis, psoas and the iliopsis (I think).

Clinical Techniques in Use
Clinical Techniques in  
Hello, rs,

The program, Free Your Psoas, reaches several of the areas you indicate (psoas, iliopsoas, piriformis, adductors-inner thighs) and includes bonus CDs with exercises for the floor of the pelvis.

The program, The Cat Stretch, reaches the piriformis and low back.

I suspect that your lower abdomen pain comes from the iliacus muscles (addressed in Free Your Psoas); however, if it comes from the abdominal wall muscles, then The Cat Stretch addresses it.

Descriptions exist at  

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