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9/26 9:28:21

i just took 4 vicodin, 5/500. thats 2,000 mg tylenol. will i be ok?

Hi Kiah,
  I am not a doctor or a nurse so I cannot say for sure. I do know that the daily limit for Tylenol is 2,000 mg per 24 hour period. However if you are concerned about the amount you took then you should seek medical attention right away.

I am concerned about you taking a double dose of a narcotic pain medicine (The common prescribed dose for Vicodin 5/500 is 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours). Either you are experiencing pain that is uncontrolled by the commonly prescribed dose or you are abusing them.
Uncontrolled pain is something you will need to talk to your doctor about. Be honest with the doctor about not only the level of pain but also the amount of medicine needed to relieve the pain. The doctor may decide that a different pain medicine may work better.

If you took the 4 Vicodin to just get high then I strongly recommend that you stop abusing narcotic pain medicine. If you have been taking them regularly enough to possibly experience withdraw symptoms then I would suggest that you go to a local rehab clinic in the morning. If you cannot wait until morning then go to the nearest emergency room tonight. Explain to them what is going on and they will likely be able to get you into a rehab clinic tonight or give you supportive care until they can get you in somewhere in the morning. At the rehab clinic they will be able to give you medicine that will ease the withdraw symptoms or prevent them altogether. Abusing  narcotic pain medicine hurts not just you but also hurts your family, your friends and anyone/everyone else that loves or cares about you. Also abusing pain medicines hurts a lot of people you don't even know. It is the people that abuse narcotic pain medicine that makes it a lot harder (and sometimes impossible) for people who are really in pain to get pain medicine. A lot of doctors would rather let people suffer in pain than to take a chance of giving even 1 abuser/addict a prescription for pain medicine.

Either way, I wish you the best of luck.


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