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shrap shoulder pains and the legs swelling
9/26 9:28:13

Ok I have no clue what is wrong? I had my whole day go ok and then all of a sudden my shoulder got this really sharp pain out of no where. Normally I try and hide alot of pains but this one really hurts to were I am like ouch ouch ouch. The swelling with my legs I don't Know what up with that but all day long I can wear a pair of socks and then by night time I take them of and I have these huge like knot on my shin and that is it not all the way around my leg just up front? Can up please tell me what might be wrong please.

Hi Alicia,

I can answer you're swollen legs question first, it's probably a simple case of poor circulation.  The heart is the body's pump so the further away anything is from the heart, like hands and feet, the harder it is for the heart to pump it, and when we sit for long periods with our legs hanging down, the heart can't always pump all the fluid back up as it's fighting gravity now too.  Of course as we age our veins and blood vessels get weaker too and are not as strong and elastic as they were when we were 18 so it all adds up together to produce swollen feet.  Of course you need to see your family doctor to see if you also have other issues with the heart or kidney that may require some medication, but in the meantime, try elevating your legs as much as possible.  If you cannot elevate them while at work, then make sure you elevate hem during your coffee and lunch breaks, this will help the circulation and prevent too much fluid (swelling) from building up during the day.  Also try to avoid tight socks or stockings - if you can see a dent in your leg when you get home at the end of the day, then it's too tight.  Tight socks will restrict the circulation even more and will also damage your delicate blood vessels leading to more circulatory problems.  Kneehigh stocking should be outlawed so never wear those.

In regards to your shoulder, I'm sorry but I really can't guess what would cause the sudden pain so I advise you ask your family doctor when you see him about your legs.

I hope this helps,
All my best,

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