QuestionHello. Four months ago I bought a cheap memory foam mattress, it was very soft and I would wake up each morning with pain in my lower back. I slept on the mattress for approximately 8 weeks before getting a new one. This time I invested in a better quality mattress made up of springs and a layer of memory foam, it is much firmer. In the first few days I thought my back was continuing to hurt as it got used to the new mattress but four weeks later I am still suffering back pain.
The pain occurs every morning and will begin to wake me up 6-8hours after laying down. It feels to be deep inside my lower back so lightly massaging the area does not help. stretching provides limited relief. The pain dissipates throughout the day but i am aware of mild discomfort for most of the day sitting at my desk. sometimes when laying on my side the pain seems to extend down my outer thighs.
Thank you.
Hanna Somatic Educatio
Lawrence Gold Somatics
Hello, Cezare,
Sagging into a soft mattress causes the underside of the body to stretch, impeding circulation, so that would account for fatigue upon arising.
However, persistent pain indicates muscles in contraction and muscle fatigue -- a condition that must have existed before you got the new mattress.
Such muscular tension is a form of habitual conditioning that must be re-trained out -- unlike the processes usually used in therapy, which emphasize stretching and strengthening.
You may find the exercise offered at the following address sufficient for your need, and the article, an explanation that makes sense of back pain:
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