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self-care for time btwn office visits
9/26 9:03:12

3-13-04 10:30 am
'Preventive Measures' - Rather than a full analysis & adjustment as you describe below, I always wonder about some preferred motions and discouraged standing/bending.  When I am moving around, such as wrestling with my toddler or just moving groceries out of a car trunk, can you refer me to a source that talks about the vulnerable body parts and how to avoid damage therein?
Followup To
3-12-04 ~10 p.m.
Question -
Hello, I have been to see several chiropractors over past 12-14 years, have received tremendous benefit from having done this, and expect to be an ongoing patient.  While expecting to continue being an ongoing patient, but also being a bit of a 'do-it-yourselfer', could you recommend any means to occasional self-care?  Recommend any books, magazines, web sites, tutorials?

Answer -
you cannot analyze nor adjust yourself. i and my immediate family ( nearly all chiropractors ) have collectively about two hundred sixty five years of professional experience and were it possible, we would do so for ourselves. anyone who tells you differently isn't talking about genuine chiropractic, probably just do-it-yourself bone crunching. i hope you know the difference.  

generally, the idea is to avoid straining the neck, as this is the only place nerve interference originates. all else is only effect. avoid lying/sleeping on the stomach, keep your hands off your neck, avoid extreme, rapid, or prolonged off center positions of the not attempt to stretch or exercise the neck muscles. avoid strenuous physical exertion in general, particularly shortly after re-correction of the upper neck.

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