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Sleeping Back problems
9/26 9:02:35

Hi, I'm 23 yrs old and I've been having a re-occuring problem.  Everynight when I go to sleep I wake up with a pain in the small of my back.  After about 8 hours of sleeping the pain will actually wake me up.  I've been trying to use different mattresses and adding stuff like egg crates but it doesn't seem to be working.  

I was wondering if you had any suggestions or perhaps things to try.  I'm not sure if it's the way I sleep (usually on my back or on my stomach) or if I need a harder/softer mattress.

The pain happens every night whether I've been working out or not.  It's really more of a painful aching.  If I only sleep 6 hours or less I don't notice it.  It's just when I get a long night's sleep that I start to ache.  

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Dear Jeffrey,

Thanks for your questions. I hope that my suggestions provide some help for you.

First of all, at 23 years old we usually don't worry so much about the type of mattress you are using.  At your age, it is usually a position problem or a physical problem.  You should not sleep on your stomach at any time.  This does cause added stress to the joints of the spine and can cause the pain that you are feeling.  You should sleep on the back or sides. When on your back, try placing a pillow or cushion under your knees, this will flatten the lower back and take stress off of it.  On your sides, bring both of your knees up toward your chest and place a pillow between your knees.  This too takes stress from the spine.

Obviously, if the mattress is not supportive, it can cause problems.  It sounds like what you have is called a "facet syndrome".  This is  a big term for a condition in which the joints of the lumbar spine actually "jam" together.  This causes irritation and inflammation of the joints and results in the pain like you are experiencing.

I would suggest a consultation and examination with your chiropractor to see if this is the problem.  Normally, at your age, it doesn't take much treatment to correct a problem like this. I would consult the chiropractor before buying a new bed.  A few treatments will likely correct the problem without the expense of buying a new mattress.

Again, thanks for your question and good luck with that back.

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